Useful Links

Useful Links

St Francis Braintree





Year 2 | The Berkeley Primary School

This page will be regularly updated with any information that you may need throughout the school year, it's chance to catch up with any exciting things we are doing in class.

Please remember that the class wallets are the best form of communication and they are checked daily or email the office directly (email: or phone: 01376 320440).


Home learning


Please make sure your child reads aloud to an adult daily and recorded on the 'Boom Reader' app. This is so important for their journey to become an effective reader. Please read and share other types of books with them. Your child will also regularly choose library books to bring home and share with you. 


Your child will also be reading shared texts in class daily and also read to an adult regualrly and you see these on the Boom Reader app.



This is an app that helps your child to develop a fluency in number facts. They will earn certificates in assembly when they move through the levels. 



Your child will have daily phonics using our wonderful programme of 'Sounds write'. Please feel free to download the Sounds Write app to help your children with their phonics and reading journey at home. Your child will also be receiving spellings to help cement their phonics knowledge. These will be tested weekly on a Thursday and new spellings will be set every Friday. These will also available online on Seesaw.


PE days are Tuesday and Friday so please ensure that your child has the appropriate clothing for these days.  Earrings should be removed.

Any homework will be set on Seesaw, including spelling sheets and Big Write.


Don't forget open door Friday! Please come in and have a look at your children's work and share with them the amazing ideas and all the hard work they have put in throughout the year.

We look forward to a wonderful year of learning ahead!


Miss Harmer, Mrs. Ford and Mrs Verguson



The talent I have is not mine. It's on loan from Heaven above. So I practise and polish and use it. And offer it back with my love.

Useful information

Year 2 Curriculum





  • Religious Studies
  • Maths
  • English
  • Science
  • Physical Education
  • ICT
  • Geography
  • History
  • Art and Design
  • Music
  • PSHE
  • French







Our Photo Galleries



Year 2 - English -Penpal Letters

Today we read our letters from Miss Harmer's class at Lessness Heath School in London. (Miss Harmer's sister) We were really excited and keen to read all about Magpie Class' work and what they had being doing over the last term. We have started to write our replies.