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St Francis Braintree



Here you will find information of our learning in Year 1. Check here regularly to see photos of our learning. The children always work so hard and love for you to have a window into our classroom. You are most welcome to visit the classroom every Friday after school (3.15-3.30), where your child can show you their work from the week that they are particularly proud of. 

Home/School Partnership:

We are a team and we are really keen to work together to help your child develop to the best of their ability. Please let us know of any issues that we need to be aware of or that we can help with. Please let us know via the office (email: or phone: 01376 320440) if there are any changes to your child's pick up routines.

Home Learning Platforms:

The children have been given a log in for Numbots. This is an app that helps your child to develop a fluency in number facts. They will earn certificates in assembly when they move through the levels. You may like to download the Sounds-Write app for your child to practise phonics at home. Reading at home is the most impactful home learning activity that can be done in younger year groups.

Reading At Home:

Please make sure your child reads aloud to an adult daily. This is a vital part of their journey to become an effective reader. The children are still early on in their reading so it is important that they read with books that contain the 'code' that they have learnt in class. Please read and share other types of books with them. Your child will also regularly choose library books to bring home and share with you. Please return their library books, when you are finished with them and we will arrange for them to choose another. Please log all reading on the Boom Reader app. 

Reading At School:

Your child will have daily phonics and reading lessons and will have opportunities to read text within these lessons. Children will also read regularly aloud to an adult. We will also log their reading on Boom Reader.


Our P.E. days for this half term are Mondays (with Miss Clapp) and Wednesdays (with Colchester Utd). Please make sure P.E. kits are in each day. It would be best for earrings to be taken out at home on P.E. days, but please make sure your child can take their own earrings out if this cannot be done at home. P.E. is an important part of our curriculum.

Miss Clapp

Mrs Saunders

Mrs Verguson

Useful links:

Numbots help guide


Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1045)

  • Art and Design
  • Design and Technology
  • English
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • PSHE
  • Religious Studies
  • Science

Our Photo Galleries