Here you will find information of our learning in Year 1. Check here regularly to see photos of our learning. The children always work so hard and love for you to have a window into our classroom. You are most welcome to visit the classroom every Friday after school (3.15-3.30), where your child can show you their work from the week that they are particularly proud of.
Home/School Partnership:
We are a team and we are really keen to work together to help your child develop to the best of their ability. Please let us know of any issues that we need to be aware of or that we can help with. Please let us know via the office (email: office@st-francis.essex.sch.uk or phone: 01376 320440) if there are any changes to your child's pick up routines.
Home Learning Platforms:
The children have been given a log in for Numbots. This is an app that helps your child to develop a fluency in number facts. They will earn certificates in assembly when they move through the levels. You may like to download the Sounds-Write app for your child to practise phonics at home. Reading at home is the most impactful home learning activity that can be done in younger year groups.
Reading At Home:
Please make sure your child reads aloud to an adult daily. This is a vital part of their journey to become an effective reader. The children are still early on in their reading so it is important that they read with books that contain the 'code' that they have learnt in class. Please read and share other types of books with them. Your child will also regularly choose library books to bring home and share with you. Please return their library books, when you are finished with them and we will arrange for them to choose another. Please log all reading on the Boom Reader app.
Reading At School:
Your child will have daily phonics and reading lessons and will have opportunities to read text within these lessons. Children will also read regularly aloud to an adult. We will also log their reading on Boom Reader.
Our P.E. days for this half term are Mondays (with Miss Clapp) and Wednesdays (with Colchester Utd). Please make sure P.E. kits are in each day. It would be best for earrings to be taken out at home on P.E. days, but please make sure your child can take their own earrings out if this cannot be done at home. P.E. is an important part of our curriculum.
Miss Clapp
Mrs Saunders
Mrs Verguson
Useful links:
Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1045)
Art and Design
Art and Design
In Year 1, we focus on drawing, painting and sculpture.
In drawing, we learn about different types of line and shape. We experiment using different media to create different pieces of work. We begin to look for shapes in the objects around us to help us draw accurately.
In painting, we learn all about colour mixing! We learn about primary and secondary colours and how these can be used in different ways. We think about different ways that we can paint, including printing with different objects.
In sculpture, we learn that some art is 3D and looks different from different angles. We use card and paper to create our own sculptures.
Throughout each unit of work, we look at the work of traditional and contemporary artists and listen and watch different stimuli to inspire our own creations.
Design and Technology
Design and Technology
In Year 1, children begin to look at mechanisms, including sliders and axles and how these can be used in their designs. They look at making structures more stable. They will explore some ways that fabric can be joined. The children will learn about where their food comes from and design and make their own healthy recipes.
They will do this through projects: making a moving picture, building a windmill, making a fruit salad and making a puppet.
Each project involves the process of research, design, practice, make, evaluate.
Year 1 is such an exciting year for our early readers and writers! They make so much progress.
In writing, we focus on letter formation and being able to orally construct and hold a simple sentence. We learn how we can record these sentences in writing. We learn how to join two simple sentences using the word 'and'. We learn that we can sequence some of our sentences to create short narratives. We explore a variety of diverse texts to inspire our own writing.
In phonics and reading, we extend our knowledge of the sound spellings of our language by learning about the various spellings of our vowel sounds!
Please see our MFL curriculum for more details.
In Year 1, we learn that geography is the study of places and the people who live in these places.
We begin by exploring our own local area. First, we look at our school and the surrounding area. We make maps of our classroom and school before looking at aerial and digital maps of the roads around the school.
We learn about the nations that make up the United Kingdom and learn about their capital cities. We explore what the weather is like in the different parts of the United Kingdom.
We then start to look further afield at the Earth. We learn about the continents and start to make predictions about climates based on how close a country is to the Equator.
We finish the year by comparing lots of things about where we live to the same things in Kampong Ayer in Asia.
We begin our learning in history by developing our understanding of time – past and present. We begin to develop an understanding of timelines and how historians can study the past. We first do this by looking at the changes that have happened in our own lives and then in our parents’ and grandparents’ lives. We learn that this is called ‘within living memory’. We explore how schools, homes and shops have changed within the last 100 years.
We learn about what makes an event or a person significant and why these may be important in history.
We develop our understanding of events that happened ‘beyond living memory’ and how historians must use different sources to explore these events. We do this by learning about The Great Fire Of London. We look at some historical sources and think about what they tell us about the fire. We look at what has changed and what has stayed the same since the fire. We learn about Sir Christopher Wren and Samuel Pepys.
In maths, we develop a deep understanding of numbers within 20. This ensures that we have a solid foundation on which to build our future learning.
We develop our understanding of place value. We count forwards and backwards to 100 and in 2s, 5s and 10s.
We learn the names of common 2D and 3D shapes. We learn about the language of direction and position.
We fluently learn our number bonds to 20 and use this knowledge to help us calculate efficiently.
In music, we learn about pulse, beat and rhythm in different types of music.
We use our voices to sing with expression. We perform using tuned and untuned instruments and learn to reflect on our own and others' performances.
We listen to a range of different recorded and live music performances.
Physical Education
Physical Education
In Year 1, we focus on mastering basic body movements, such as running, jumping, throwing and jumping. We develop our balance and coordination. We perform dances with simple movement patterns and start to take part in team sports.
We do this through dance, gymnastics, circuits and team sports.
Please see the PSHE curriculum page for more details.
Religious Studies
Religious Studies
We follow the 'Come and See' RE curriculum.
Families - God's love and care for every family.
Belonging - Baptism is an invitation to belong to God's family.
Waiting - Advent: a time to look forward to Christmas
Special People - People in the parish family.
Meals - Mass: Jesus's special meal.
Change - Lent: A time for change.
Holidays And Holy Days - Pentecost: feast of the Holy Spirit
Being Sorry - God helps us to choose well.
Neighbours - Neighbours share God's world.
We also develop our understanding of other Faiths: Judaism, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism.
The big idea of science is that it is a way to understand our world by carefully thinking about it and testing our guesses with observations and experiments. We will explore this in the different areas of science detailed below.
Biology – In Year 1, we learn to name the parts of the human body and begin to develop our understanding that these parts have different functions. We do this by looking at our senses and the parts of the body that help us sense things around us.
We begin to understand that scientists group living things in different ways by looking at grouping animals with similar characteristics (fish, reptiles, mammals, amphibians, birds), by diet (omnivore, carnivore, herbivore) and that we can also group plants (evergreen, deciduous, flowering, etc.)
We learn what different parts of plants and trees and called. We explore the school grounds to identify and name common wild and garden plants and flowers.
Chemistry – We learn about common materials that every day objects are made from (wood, metal, plastic, etc.) We explore the properties of each material and start to group them based on these.
Earth Science – Seasons – Throughout the year, we explore the changes we experience due to the changing seasons. We note the difference in the lengths of the days.
Our Photo Galleries