Welcome to Reception
We are really impressed with how well the children have settled in to their new classroom environment and daily routines. They have been busy building new relationships and exploring the inside and outside classrooms.
In the first term at school the adults will be observing the children, for baseline assessments, finding out their interests and what kind of learners the children are. These will then be used to form our curriculum and set up experiences for the children to develop skills in all areas of learning.
This page will be regularly updated with any information that you may need throughout the school year. Please ensure your child brings in their coloured wallet to school with their reading book every day so we can hear your child and add any messages. We will also be updating Tapestry with all the exciting activities and learning experiences the children are doing. Please feel free to comment and share any home learning or experiences that your child is doing this will help us to build up a holistic picture of your child. Our PE day is on a Monday am and a Tuesday pm so please ensure your child has the correct kit at school and all jewellery is removed.
You can also keep up to date with our learning by looking through our photographs of activities that the children have taken part in.
Useful Documents
Reception-Curriculum-24/25 (ID 1041)
Expressive Arts and Design
Expressive Arts and Design
This term there will be opportunities for me to: create models of toys, painting through music, outdoor painting, finger painting and collage. We will also be exploring weaving and threading.
I will be working towards the following:
Share their creations, explaining the process they have used
Make use of props and materials when role playing characters in narratives and stories
Continue to support colour and how colour can be changed
Perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others and when appropriate move in time with music.
Joining and fixing materials using our creation stations
Experiment with colour, texture, design, form and function.
This term we will be using ‘Drawing Club’ which aims to immerse children in the world of story, shares a treasure trove of vocabulary which the children can use and develops children’s imagination and creativity using age appropriate books. This will encourage their writing skills and give them opportunities to have a go at writing some simple words and sentences.
We will also be continuing with our ‘Sounds Write’ program which will enable the children to:
Read words consistent to their phonic knowledge by sound blending
Read aloud simple sentences and books that are consistent with their phonetic knowledge, including some common exception words.
Write recognisable letters , most of which are correctly formed
Spell words by identifying sounds in them and representing the sounds with a letter or letters.
Write simple phrases which can be read by others
Physical Development
Physical Development
In class the children will be continuing to practise our gross and fine motor skills; holding our pencils with the correct grip and using the right amount of pressure and refining our letter formation in our handwriting lessons. This term our PE focus will be on gymnastics concentrating on working with others, taking turns, physical shapes, rolling, jumping, balancing and rocking.
Working towards ELG
Demonstrating strength, balance and coordination when playing
Beginning to show accuracy and care when drawing
Letter formation and pencil grip
Understanding of the World
Understanding of the World
The children will be looking at the following topics such as Spring, Growing and Toys where they will be able to;
Make observations, ask questions and give explanations,
Use new vocabulary to predict, discuss ideas and their findings
Looking at new life, growing up; comparing and contrasting to the past, animals and their habitats, artic environments. Plants and how things grow.
Show some awareness of religions
Begin to recall parts of religious stories; Easter
Talk about my community
Talk about my own experiences with people who are familiar to them.
Understanding the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books read in class and storytelling
Know some similarities and differences between things in the past and now and drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class.
Knows some similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities in this country, drawing on their own experiences and what has been read in class
Children are given the opportunities through our provision to practise skills they are learning in class in both our indoor and outdoor areas.
I will be learning:
About zero
To Subitise to 5
Composition of numbers to 10
Comparing numbers to 10
Number bonds to 10
3D shapes, patterns
About time, length and height
Mass and capacity
Personal and Social Development
Personal and Social Development
The children will continue to work on the skills developed last term in the provision; negotiating with others and finding a compromise. Have a clear idea about what they want to do in their play and how they want to go about it. Become more able to adapt their behaviour to increase their participation and co-operation as they become more familiar with and anticipate routine.
They will be working towards the ELG:
Learning to show sensitivity to my own and others’ needs.
Looking at the reasons for rules, and understanding right and wrong.
Learning to become more confident to ty new activities, show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of a challenge.
Communication and Language
Communication and Language
We will be starting to develop the children’s language through stories, building on their listening and attention skills, developing conversations and building on their skills to act out stories through circle games and drama activities.
The children will then be developing these skills and working towards these
Anticipate key events in a story and offer explanations of why things might happen.
Demonstrate an understanding of what has been read to me by retelling stories and narratives using my own words and recently introduced vocabulary.
Use and understand recently introduced vocabulary during discussions about stories, non -fiction, rhymes, poems and during roleplay.
Participate in small group, class and one – one discussion, offering their own ideas, using recently introduced vocabulary.
Express their ideas and feelings about their experiences using full sentences, including use of past, present and future tenses
Our Class Galleries
Reception - Mathematics