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St Francis Braintree


Welcome to Reception

We are really impressed with how well the children have settled in to their new classroom environment and daily routines. They have been busy building new relationships and exploring the inside and outside classrooms.

In the first term at school the adults will be observing the children, for baseline assessments, finding out their interests and what kind of learners the children are. These will then be used to form our curriculum and set up experiences for the children to develop skills in all areas of learning.

This page will be regularly updated with any information that you may need throughout the school year. Please ensure your child  brings in their coloured wallet to school with their reading book every day so we can hear your child  and add any messages. We will also be updating Tapestry with all the exciting activities and learning experiences the children are doing. Please feel free to comment and share any home learning or experiences that your child is doing this will help us to build up a holistic picture of your child. Our PE day is on a Monday am and a Tuesday pm  so please ensure your child has the correct kit at school and all jewellery is removed. 


You can also keep up to date with our learning by looking through our photographs of activities that the children have taken part in.




Reception-Curriculum-24/25 (ID 1041)

  • Expressive Arts and Design
  • Literacy
  • Physical Development
  • Understanding of the World
  • Maths
  • Personal and Social Development
  • Communication and Language




Our Class Galleries

Reception - Mathematics

The children have been learning the compositions of 5 in different ways by sharing 5 buttons between 2 bears and , then putting some frogs in the pond and some outside; then working out how many altogetherrs