Laudato Si'
Our Laudato Si' group has been set up in response to the Pope's letter concerning care for our world. Our group meets regularly to plan initiatives to raise awareness of environmental issues and the love of our world.
All About Laudato Si'
Find out about Laudato Si' by watching this video from the CAFOD website.
Our Laudato Si' Galleries
Find out more about the work we do
Our visit to the local electric charging station
Braintree charging hub
Tree planting Initiative
As part of the national tree planting initiative we planted 20 trees in our school grounds to do our bit to combat the effect of carbon dioxide on climate change.
Laudato Si, as you can imagine, are very keen on recycling and try to encourage the whole school community to do their bit. Here you can see Nevaeh and Ryan posing with our recycling boxes for batteries and printer inks. If you wish to recycle any such items, simply send them in with your children and they can place them in the appropriate box.